Sunday, August 24, 2008

Brendon Potter?

You might be wondering what the title is all about? Well, well, well, its just a title anyway.. might not be interesting but go ahead and read since you already started. lol....

Have you seen the movie Harry Potter? There were actually 5 released series now. And the next one is still on the making stage... I'll be watching that on a big screen, hopefully i could.... At any rate, the blog is about me, so lets skip the Harry Potter thingy, or should i say, lets go on with my story? Either way... Take a close look at my photo, can you see something unusual? you might wanna make a comment down below. Alright, if yo can't see or figure out what I'm pointing or talking about, I'm going to tell you.... See the scar right above my eye? yes... Harry have the same scar as that... hahaha...

I actually got that when i was 7 years old. I was Grade One at that time... You can barely see that scar in my photos, but in person, barely noticeable. Let me tell you the story about that... Where did I get that freaking scar? During my time, my classmates and friends loves to play "Habulan" which means "Catching". The game is all about running after your playmates and touching them, once you touch anyone of them, you will be free and the person you touched will be the next chaser... So there i was, not a chaser, i climbed the mango tree so that the chaser couldn't touch me and not be the chaser... the mango tree was not that high, i guess only about 6 feet above the ground.... okay, too bad, there was this one guy(my classmate) who jumped before i jumped them he bumped into my head and i fell don on the ground and my head hit the sharp rock in front of me. I stood up and had blood all over me... i fainted and you know whats the good thing? A handsome man caught me, weeeeeeeeee..... I didn't know what had happened after falling in that guy's arm, i woke up in my moms hands and calling my name repeatedly... then i felt that my forehead really hurts... i was brought to the hospital and had 4 stitches, it really hurts while they are sewing my forehead. they did not use anesthesia because its too expensive that i have my pop holding my arms while the doctor is doing his thingy...i screamed so loud and feels like the world is going to break... i can feel the needle and the stitches while the doctor is sewing it... ouch(arayyyyyyyyyyy).... i screamed like a pig or a cow i guess... that was really painful, have you tried surgeries without Anesthesia? try it... it sucks... lol... turn the page some other day... I'm going to bed now..... see yah

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